In which I am asked a number of questions for no particular reason, a pleasant game for those of us who are unrepentant nosy parkers.
There I was, minding everyone else's business, wondering what a pulled tea would be like over at
Suji's blog, when I clicked over to Christina's
Rockhound Place (because she started it all and I wondered what
her favourite drink was) and noticed, much to my shock, that she'd included me in her list of
Answer This! contestants.
(Unrepentant blog ogling is one thing; being the blog oglee is quite another)
The game has the following rules:
Answer five questions, then tag five other players with your own set of questions.
Okay, here goes. Can't promise I'll be ogle-worthy though.
1. What book from your childhood do you remember the most, and why?
I don't think I can remember ONE book the most, to be honest. I went through a lot of book adoration in my early teens: Farley Mowat's animal stories, Harriet the Spy, Lord of the Rings, Journey to the East, anything Daphne DuMaurier or Mary Stewart, Les Miserables (why I have no idea), a strange little book my friends and I used to amuse ourselves with by opening at random and trying to be the words for the rest of the day. I've mentioned this before, but I loved Harriet the Spy so much that I wanted to change my name to Harriet for a while in honour of her. Of course, I also went through a phase of wanting to eat my dinner in a bowl off the floor like our dog did but that's not quite so literary...
3. What subject do you find most challenging (to teach or to learn)?
Ask me this when we get to calculus, but in general my homeschooling adage is: If I can't grasp it, I don't teach it. In terms of learning, well, I've had my struggles with organic fruit tree care - successful organic fruit tree care.
4. What is your favourite hot drink? Bonus points for including the recipe!
If I tell you what my current afternoon pick-me-up is you'll all feel ill, so I'm going to distract you all by adding that if I don't get a latté first thing the whole day loses it's balance. And don't be offering me that drip dreck that some pass off as coffee because I AM a snob. Here's my own personal recipe: take one Richard (not mine), add a well-used espresso machine, some coffee beans, an attractive mug and some 2% milk and you have yourself a lovely morning beverage.
5. About what new book, movie, or tv series do you want to let others know?
I'm going to go out on a completely different limb here and give you my latest revelation, one that only came to me after the warranty on my beloved Canon i450 expired: buying ink and refilling my colour ink cartridge.
Yes, laugh all you like but I've just discovered that I can buy jars of ink for the price of one new colour cartridge - and I can inject them into the cartridge myself for a fraction even of what it would cost to have someone else refill it. From the looks of it those jars will last me at least 3 years.
And so it is that I feel compelled to evangelize this to all and sundry (because, heck, this IS my meme) on the basis that if you're anything like me (and do buckets of colour printing), you could use a Cheap Printing Tip. All you need is a wee syringe and some tissues, and perhaps a rubber apron should a child burst in while you're injecting the ink and shout "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? IS THAT INK? OOPS SORRY WOW LOOK AT THE COLOUR OF THAT INK WILL IT COME OFF THE COUNTER? UH OH LOOK AT YOUR PANTS WHAT A MESS!"
All of a sudden the world has a new meaning to me. Cheap thrill girl, that's me.
Okay, moving right along. Here are my five taggees: Samantha, Heather, Sandylein, Michelle, and Subadra. I won't link you, in case memes are not your thing, but Inquiring Minds DO want to know...
1. What is your biggest time suck on the internet? We want links here, please.
2. Do you consider online shopping a blessing or a weird anti-social thing?
3. Do you get dressed upon rising in the morning, or do you stay in a dressing gown for a while?
4. What piece of parenting advice do you wish you'd been given before you had kids?
5. If you could have a habit of excess, which would you choose: shoes or hats? Again, we want examples. Links. Pictures, dammit.
Alright, all of you. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.