We have come to the sad but unavoidable conclusion that we have too many strawberry plants. Sob. It's hard to believe that this gargantuan assortment came from 10 scrawny Totem plants I bought in Vancouver 8 years ago. We all love strawberries - it's the one plant the twins care for regularly in their gardens. Some plants get cursory love, but the strawberries? Oh, baby, they get adoring watering, patting, and even the odd love note.
But if we keep them as they are they will be far too crowded and unlikely to do well. Last year we had a mammoth crop of big fat berries and if I leave them the size differential will be significant. So I'm digging them up and splitting them. This is pretty easy: use a fork, ease them up, lift them as gently as possible, remove any grass or weeds clinging to them, replant. If you do it quickly enough and the sun isn't beating down on them you don't even need to worry about keeping the dirt on the root ball. If it's warm give them a good soak afterwards. I like to surround them with straw. Keeps the berries off the dirt, where the Dreaded Slugs can get them.
I am conducting an experiment on my transplants: usually I mix up a container of bone meal and kelp meal and toss a handful of this mixture into each hole as I replant. This time I have split the transplants into two groups - the ones that get this mixture when I transplant them and another group that get a mycorrhizal inoculant instead. I finally got us a large tub of the stuff (labelled, rather intriguingly: MYKE). The theory with this stuff is that it helps to create the right environment for the micro-flora and fauna around the rhizosphere (the biosystem around the plant's roots). It's a more complicated version of that legume inoculant you might have used on your peas and beans. What first piqued my interest in this kind of thing was watching my dad's strawberries get wiped out by a fungal infection two years ago. It swept through the whole patch. And according to the authors of Teaming With Microbes, the way to keep this from happening in an organic home garden is to keep the rhizosphere healthy. And they seem very fond of this mycorrhizal inoculant to spur growth. So I'm trying it. I notice from the label that it does not work on the brassica family.
Today was a day for cleaning up around the house, too. It's been so busy lately, and the garden has taken most of what little free time I have left, that the household chores have been wildly neglected. Wildly. As we discussed our intentions for the day this morning, Richard asked me if I saw the vacuum as more than just another item in the downstairs closet. He asked me if I knew how it worked. That it was an electrical appliance. Luckily I saw through his sarcasm and replied that OF COURSE I knew it was a working electrical appliance. Then he asked why I never use it. (it's true - I think I've only ever vacuumed once in the last 3 years) I told him that he does a much better job than I ever could. And then, for the first time ever we both sighed at the exact same time! We were made for each other, Mr Clean and I.
Another long neglected task was to bag up the cleavers and nettles I've been collecting and chop them up into little tiny pieces. Using another amazing electrical appliance, fortunately. After that I was on such a high from using electrical appliances that I even whizzed up all the eggshells from the winter. If you suffer from Spring Slug Disease like I tend to, you might find this handy.
This time round the container was full to the very top, and that was even with me mashing them down several times. A potato masher comes in very handy for this. After you've filled your container and you're starting to see the signs of Spring Slug Disease (chewed peas stems, and - gasp - raggedy broccoli leaves), you get out your handy dandy food processor and start pulverizing the shells into chunky crumbs.
Boy, Sheila, you must be a real math whiz, because that "quart" container looks awfully big. Can you turn my tenner into a 100 dollar bill?
That's a lot of eggshells. But we don't eat eggs. Thankfully we have very fews slugs or snails here, I suppose it's not wet enough for them.
Yay, Garden Thursday is here! I've been checking your blog all weekend, anxiously awaiting your words of wisdom! I don't have a lot of slugs, but I'll keep your egg shell trick in mind for if I ever get any.
Not sure if I should admit this to you, but I LOVE vacuuming! It's one of my favourite cleaning things to do, and I usually vacuum the tiles at least 3 times a week. I even have a name for my vacuum - Anaconda! Yep, revealing the vacuum love...
Good slug tip! (That's an incredible number of eggshells.) I have been envying you your West-Coast mild weather for a couple of months, so it's reassuring that there is a downside (ie slugs which venture beyond the safe shade of the hostas).
I am skeptical about Myke and other similar products, but will be waiting anxiously to see how your garden does with it. :-)
Greetings from IComLeavWe (Int'l Comment Leaving Week) #163!
We get slugs the size of plums, and lots of 'em. I'll definitely have to try the egg shell thing.
Nicola and blissre: well, there's one blessing about living where you do. I feel rather envious all of a sudden. We have a veritable plethora of slugs. They come in all shapes and sizes here.
And no, S, you should NOT have admitted your devotion to vacuuming. I will have to tease you mercilessly, now, you DO realize that?
Jennifer, yes, that IS an incredible amount of eggshells, isn't it? If my eldest had any say in what he ate it would be triple that, but I'd like him to grow to adulthood without needing a triple bypass.
Finally, Michelle, someone who shares my penchant for slugs...well, you know what I mean: we have 'em, we need to deal with 'em. Sigh.
I'm so not afraid.
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