Then, the other day, at the bottom of a Living Locurto email, I stumbled across this link and FDPG shrieked (she actually did shriek) "I HAVE TO MAKE THAT FOR NANNA!" Because FDPG has become a Craft Queen For All Things Christmassy. She spends a good part of each day making Christmas cards, making Christmas gift tags, wrapping Christmas presents (she even uses her own money to buy these things, something the boys would rather DIE than do), and thinking about thoughtful gifts to give all the people in her life that she loves. She is a Martha-in-the-making, this kid.
That link will take you to an incredibly crafty blog called MomAdvice and a recipe for Candy Cane Bath Salts. You need Kosher salt, epsom salts, essential oils, red colorant, and glycerin. She's even given us a tag to attach to the top (but it wouldn't print out for us for some reason). So yesterday we got our ingredients together, in two bowls, and FDPG stirred.
And stirred.
And stirred.
Then we glued ribbon to the canning jar rings and candy cane paper to the lids, with a little glitter on top for good measure, because who doesn't like a little gold glitter in their bath?
(um, me?)
See those layers of pink and white? FDPG and I were enchanted with those layers, although it might have been from inhaling all that essential oil...
(I think I've been watching too much Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, I can now quote Yukon Cornelius)
I'm not a real crafty person, but I love that owl calendar and the book plate templates. Have you seen the Star Wars Lego tags? Just in case you missed them:
Thanks, Sheila.
Watch out Martha Stewart, FDPG will be running the crafty world in a few years!
Those look amazing!
Michelle, I hadn't seen those! Thanks for that. She has a SW party pack but I'm too cheap to pay for
Samantha, I am cultivating FDPG as my retirement package. She's so competent and focused it's scary.
Awesome idea to pad out the baskets of bath products already filled with homemade soap, sugar scrub and body butter. LOVE IT.
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