Just kidding. They did both.
And, once we got to the LEGO store, they promptly blew it on a couple of sets. In about, ooh, maybe 12 minutes?
Those LEGO people, they sure know how to market their overpriced stuff (dare I say this out loud? will the LEGO gods be angry? shoot bolts of curiously shaped LEGO lightning at me?). My kids were thrilled at the prospect of dropping $150 on a small shop. Thrilled.
"Ha ha ha! My evil plan to wheedle all the money out of my mum's bank account worked! Ha ha ha! Take that, Mortgage! And that, Grocery Bill! Mwa-ha ha!"
Ha ha ha, indeed.
"Goodness me, that joke is in very poor taste. What are you teaching your son when you joke about him spending mortgage money on LEGO? You're being fiscally irresponsible. I wave my fan at you in disapproval."
"Oh come ON. Lighten up Geisha Girl. Without all that money WE wouldn't be here either! Think of all the trouble that LEGO store employee had to go to to find us - would you want that wasted? Not to mention all the fun that stupid cat has with us at night when all the humans are asleep."
Well, it's high time the Borgs went technicolor! :) Enjoying your Seattle-series!
Hi There
Sure Lego is expensive but its something that your grandkids will be using so really it's not that bad an investment.
And if you are going to spend $150 on Lego then you have made a great choice (you could sell all those little houses for a tidy profit on ebay these days).
And kudos to Mr Lego for building the house at the end of the street. It is beautiful!
I still think Lego is the one of the best toys you can spend money on, even though we may cringe at the time :0)
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