Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ring In New Bells

Has it really been that long since I've posted? Hard to fathom, but I'm noticing the same low level of activity in all the blogs I've been following since I first started being on the blog.

Are we all blogged out?

There have been a lot of new developments in the neighbourhood since I've been away: someone turned sixteen, someone turned a whole lot older than that, someone watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special five times because those snowmen were just too wonderfully creepy, several someones had a lovely anticipatory time waiting for Father Christmas to show up ALL MONTH, and the chickens finally stopped looking like characters in a horror film and starting looking more their beautiful, fluffy selves.

We walked around town, exploring new parks and beaches; we walked around houseboats and listened to the sixteen year old enthuse about living in one of them (there were five for sale at the time, a fact which struck me as suspicious and the sixteen year old as fortuitous).

And all the while Toffee slept.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I missed the Dr. Who Christmas special (sob!) How did you get to watch it five times? Is there a secret place to watch it that only the special super smart spy people know about?

p.s. Happy New Year

p.s.s. Was it your birthday? Happy birthday!! (Or happy birthday to Richard if that is the other someone who had a birthday)