Monday, June 3, 2013

Mother Earth News Fair

This is where I was all weekend. Have you ever been to this sort of event? I hadn't. I only went because a friend asked me to go with her, and it looked kind of intriguing. I didn't look very closely at the program guide until I got there, and I was astounded to see the list of keynote speakers. People like Albert Bates from The Farm (, Barbara Damrosch, Joel Salatin, and our own local Linda Gilkeson. Heck, even Ed Begley Jr. was there.

A few people rolled their eyes when I was recounting some of the things I'd seen there (wacky survivalists, composting toilets, dread-locked hair to the floor) and asked why I'd gone. Yes, there were some crazy people there, but sitting through rounds of talks on healing plants, the history of the apple (more gripping than you might imagine), rebuilding food economies, practical permaculture techniques (I finally understand what permaculture is), and the value of fermented foods was incredibly inspiring.

Plus, where else am I going to get a badge that says WHO IS YOUR FARMER? to wear on my purse, or PESTICIDES SUCK! stickers to post all over my front door?

Why, at the Mother Earth News Fair, of course. Of course.

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