Wednesday, May 25, 2011

LEGO Wednesday

Some of us like building things out of LEGO. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that some of us are slightly obsessed with building things out of LEGO. Some of us can stay in our cave of a room for hours building Things That Go. So some of us thought we'd develop a new blog feature, in which we showcase the things that some of us are building (because some of us like being part of the bloggy world and are tired of hearing about all the clever things a certain sister is doing).

So, with that in mind, here is a video of an item a certain nine year old someone built the other day. And yes, we DO know that it's not Halloween. It's just that some of us really like Halloween.


Heather said...

Very, Very Cool! I love that the spider moves too. I'll have to come back to show my boys later, I know they will be very impressed as well.

Suji said...

Super cool D! Wait, the spider moves? I missed that. Going to watch it again. Love how FDPG is staring at the camera like she thinking/ planning something or just watching? Cute ghostie!

Suji said...

Holy arachnids! The spider moves! Going to show it to the kiddo now.

sordine = sordid sardine?