Monday, April 20, 2009

Weather and Crystal Trees

I'd blog more but the weather has been incredible of late. Today the thermometer on the deck made it to 24ºC. We were all outside fanning the seedlings in the cold frame. Well, the twins were. I was wandering around with a scarf and a sweater on, coughing heavily and regretting the depths of fun I had in my 20's, all the fun that left me with a tendency to extreme reactions with mild colds. 

FDPG had a good time, though, with me unable to speak, because we all know how much FDPG loves to talk. She got out her new Grow A Crystal Tree packet and set it up on the kitchen table, then set the timer for an hour, then got out my camera and took some pictures. Then came and had me take some pictures because hers wouldn't stay still for some reason (I almost said 'You need to stop talking while you're taking pictures' but she wouldn't have believed me). Then Dominic took some pictures because there's nothing those twins love more than a little contest to see Who Can Do It Better. I think I won. But I'm not competitive that way... 

So, because FDPG and Dominic made me in the interests of Fair Play, here are the pictures we took. There were more, but I'm sparing you all. Max was the only one jaded enough (by his own crystal tree kit experiences perhaps?) not to find this an oddly fascinating photo study, but then again, he's turning into that ephemeral creature: the BTDT Almost Teen. 

But the twins and I spent a lot of time comparing photos. In the end, these are the ones they chose (I nixed the other 20 pictures - there is only so much downloading of photographs I am willing to endure here). I will leave it to you to figure out who took what...



Heather said...

They grew like that in an hour?? Any time we have grown crystals they have taken ages. Since my youngest son is even more impatient than I am, but loves crystals, I think he would adore that kit. Would you tell me the name of the kit? Pretty please?

sheila said...

Oops, I didn't explain myself very well there. They grew like that in about 3 hours. It's called 'Mystical Tree.' Oh, and "don't place this in a windy place." Just in case you have a windy kitchen table...

Heather said...

3 hours? I'm still impressed. ;-) Off to search for our own "Mystical Tree".