Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Twittering Again

"Mum, you have to push the cart - I have to go do my business now"
Dominic at Home Despot. His "business" is to check for spare coins lying about. So far he's found about $35 in loonies and toonies on the floor - in the past 4-6 months. Found money. At big box stores. No wonder I don't give him allowance...

"MUM! Toffee is sitting on the most beautiful instrument in the world!"
FDPG, in response to the cat sitting on a little string harp we have, that is named exactly that: the most beautiful instrument in the world.

"But I wasn't going to throw it off the deck. I was just thinking about it."
Max standing on the deck holding the compost bucket over the compost bin. The distance between the two, let me stress, is about 30'. Not a target I was willing for him to contemplate. Yes, I realize I am a total killjoy.

"But you love me because I am such a delightful son. Right? Even if you can't admit it right now."
Max, in response to me seeing him wear his really super muddy shoes across the kitchen floor out onto the deck so he could toss a spider off said deck because I have a bit of a spider phobia. And guess who had to mop the kitchen floor? Grateful mother? Sigh. The things we do.


therealkimaliczi said...

Igor has found @ $40 the exact same way. Smart kids.

sheila said...

Ah, that Igor. I suspect he and Dominic have a lot in common. I feel sort of dopey for not noticing this before, I have to say. There is a lot of money out there!

Anonymous said...

The compost twitter reminds me of my first apartment. We were on the third floor, but directly above the dumpster, so it was really easy to throw out our garbage - we just opened a window and chucked it out. No one on the second floor ever said anything about the garbage whizzing past their window.

Heather said...

E is the same way. One time my husband (in frustration) had just finished telling him to "Come ON, you're not going to find any money here" and then E bent down and picked up another toonie. Now he doesn't bother saying anything. The best place E has found is at the ferry terminal and on the ferry.

Unknown said...

ROFLMAO.... as usual....