Monday, January 17, 2011

It's Been Six Days

Since I last posted.

And what I have done since then?


Well, I bought some seeds. They were on sale at my local Garden Centre and me being the Cheap Soul that I am, I couldn't pass up a sale on seeds. Now FDPG has some Goblin Eggs gourd seeds to aid and abet her in her Market Garden Stall Plot; I have some mesclun and corn salad seeds because I have this idea that I can whip up a little salad centre on the back deck just like that (once I get the stand, the lights, and the heating mats, that is); and then I bought some pea seeds because I am trying to find the peas I grew last year that were so very heavenly. I also discovered that there are three categories of pea seeds out there in Seedville: snap peas (the completely edible pea, pod and all, and which divide further into two subcategories: stringless and stringed); snow peas (a flat pea, which looks as though the peas have suddenly lost their air); and pod peas (which rise up in the night and turn you into Pod People). Last year I grew some snap peas and they were incredibly amazing but somehow I lost the packet they came in. I have been looking for them ever since, because as we all know I keep excellent records of everything I grow.

So now I have three different varieties of snap peas. Cross your fingers I have the one I'm looking for.

Oh, and you might have noticed from the photo of that box on the floor that I have upgraded my Superior Seed Filing System. One of my New Year's Resolutions was this: hide my messes more strategically.

I also watched my Superior Foil The Starlings container...well, foiling starlings. A satisfying venture if there ever was one. These are bushtits, the cheeriest of birds. They can hang upside down, rightside up, inside out, and well, you get the picture. An amiable bird.

And that's about it. Oh wait. I watched my eldest sift his cereal this morning, because it was apparently ALL EVIL DUST. He shook the sifter and scattered dust all over the sink, then, when I remonstrated, he shook dust all over the floor. Then all over the counter. Then he cursed the sifter for being so incompetent.

I also I watched Ricky Gervais, a man I usually find utterly hilarious, poke fun at Hollywood celebrities, but he was a little off last night (and Hollywood celebrities are rubbish at laughing at themselves which makes it all the more depressing). The only good thing to come out of those few hours was me crocheting a dishcloth. Yes, you heard me right: I can crochet. No very well, but well enough to make a dishcloth. And not just any old dishcloth, but a LIME GREEN dishcloth. I guarantee you that Martha will be featuring them any second now in her magazine...

And I read some more from The Box of Delights, a perfectly delightful book by John Masefield. We're halfway through and everyone is riveted. It's even better than The Midnight Folk. I'll review it when I've finished it, but in the meantime, if you see it, snap it up. It's wonderful.

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