Monday, January 14, 2008

Mickey Rooney and Keenan Wynne Were Right

It all boils down to putting one foot in front of the other, just like they said here. At least, so states Scott McCredie in his new book "Balance: In Search of the Lost Sense." Balance, according to Mr. McCredie, is an area of exercise often overlooked, and in his opinion most critical for those of us wanting to avoid hip-crunching falls as we age. According to this review in the NYTimes, we should be nurturing and maintaining our sense of balance more methodically:

"Noting that each year one in three Americans 65 and older falls, and that falls and their sometimes disastrous medical consequences are becoming more common as the population ages, Mr. McCredie wonders why balance is not talked about in fitness circles as often as strength training, aerobics and stretching. He learned that the sense of balance begins to degrade in one’s 20s and that it is downhill — literally and figuratively — from there unless steps are taken to preserve or restore this delicate and critically important ability to maintain equilibrium."
"But while certain declines with age are unavoidable, physical therapists, physiatrists [sic] and fitness experts have repeatedly proved that much of the sense of balance can be preserved and even restored through exercises that require no special equipment or training. These exercises are as simple as standing on one foot while brushing your teeth or walking heel-to-toe with one foot directly in front of the other."

It proves my point: Mickey Rooney knew whereof he spoke. All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other.

And that's why I continue to sit on a balance ball when doing school stuff with my kids. Well, that and the fact that it's fun...

1 comment:

Becky said...

There's a reason Mickey Rooney is still upright at almost 90!